Tuesday, August 18, 2020

FilkCast Episode 58 August 19th, 2020


  1. You haven't let us down yet! Still another great episode. Every song is so clever and well done. Such a fun arrangement in "We're only in it for the Money.""Commadore 64" for "old time rock-n-roll" - so fun. Ichabod Crane - masterful! Ballad of Joss...well for a sentimenal Firefly fan, I just loved it. And then "Aaahh, Cailey" ♥ !!!
    I had suggested That Hat Makes You Look Like An Idiot some time ago, when I first discovered your podcast. I saw her perform it live and was utterly smitten. That song is so incredibly crafted and so utterly sweet, it grabs hold of me every time I listen to it (I own the CD of course!). I've heard very little of Cynthia McQuillan myself, but enough that I taught myself how to play/sing 2 of her songs (I bought her songbook actually). I'm glad you've discovered her.
    The Girl From Anteres = more fun! The Wendy trilogy has been very enjoyable, and a very nice jig.
    Wow- Der Weg - INCREDIBLE! So pretty.
    Bear Ghost is great! Another song for my "dance" playlist.
    And, Mordred's Lullabye - just amazing. Such a rich musical piece. I haven't been able to understand all the words yet, but I'm working on it. Thanks again!

    1. Singscience, the lyrics for "Mordred's Lullaby" are at https://heatherdale.com/shop/mordreds-lullaby/ (scroll down the page).


FilkCast Episode 289, March 20, 2025