Sunday, January 5, 2020

FilkCast Episode 31 Jan 5, 2020


  1. Glad you're back, and hope your whole voice returns soon, too!

  2. I see no reason why I will not be recording this week's episode.

  3. Sorry about what happened, but I liked the change of pace. Lizzie should do the show more often. If she wants to and has time that is.

    1. I think that is kinda wonderful, she is dubious.

  4. Missed the Andrea Dale credit in the song list.

  5. This episode blew me away! Every single song is outstanding! It was fun to hear your music, REAL fun! And imagine my surprise at realizing that I was listening to a song about the book Roadside Picnic. OMG, I love it so much! It seems to me such an obscure book to feature in a filk song. But then I remember, oh, that's right, I have found my people! All of the songs though are top notch!
    And I 2nd the vote for Lizzie to fill in once in awhile. She has such good energy, and is a great speaker. Thanks!
    One last thing, I have not been able to find a way to buy Bill Roper's "Falling Toward Orion" album. I looked back when you featured Not Everybody Dies, and now again for Shades of Gray. I see two albums of his, but not that one, nor those songs. Maybe that CD is out of pring?
    Thanks again!

    1. I bug Bill every time I see him about getting his stuff on Bandcamp or some such. But he doesn't. Your only real chance is to find a dealer at a con who has it. He generally does if you ever find yourself at a Chicago con.

    2. I was telling my husband last night that this is my plan - to look for it at Consonance (my budget restricts me to events nearer to me).


FilkCast Episode 287, February 19, 2025